Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Shoe Experience

This past weekend I bought Rachel a pair of Tinkerbell Jelly Shoes to wear at Disneyland. I purchase said shoes thinking they will fit my daughter because she wore a size 9 shoe. We get back from shopping and I tell Rachel I had bought her some new shoes to wear to Disneyland. I put them on her and she loved them. A little while later she tells me her feet is hot. I look at her feet and the shoes are making indentations on her toes, ankles, and the top of her feet. I looked at her shocked because the shoes were too small. I could have sworn they were the right size. I tell her they don't fit her and she starts getting sad, she loved those shoes. So I tell her we will get her another pair, and we gave the other pair to Bailee to wear to Disneyland.
Rachel, Bailee, Me, and Mom head back up to the Disney Store to buy Rachel the right size of shoes. On the way Rachel starts getting a fever and feel asleep before we arrived at the mall. I had to wake her up, (which is never a good thing) so she could try on the shoes to make sure I had the right pair. She was cranky the whole time we were there. We found the right size and bought them for her. Even though she was cranky she was happy she got her shoes back.
On a side note on the way up we saw a huge accident on the other side of the freeway and had decided to take the other way home because we thought the freeway would take too long.
Anyway, we leave the mall at 5:15 and start heading towards provo avoiding the freeway as much as possible. We finally make it to the light to turn on to head towards highway 89. There ended up being two more automobile problems on the way to the highway. We finally make it to the highway and start heading towards Spanish Fork. We finally make it to Spanish Fork and got on the freeway. To go from Orem to Spanish Fork tookus an hour and a half, and we pull in to Nephi around 7:00 -7:30 sometime around there. Round trip up and back took us 3 hrs.
Oh and on the way home Rachel cried non stop.
Oh the things we do to make our kids happy.


Abby said...

Right, now I remember. You never come between a woman and her shoes. Even if it takes you 3 hours to get them. Shoes are important.

Bailey Family said...

yes, I agree, The things we do for them!! And I don't think they appricate it most of the time.

Matt said...

You'll be glad that you did it when you see how happy she is to wear her special shoes at the happiest place on earth.

born2bhappy said...

It was quite an ordeal and just telling the story is not really getting the intensity of the drive. Having to stop and go all the time made Rachel quite scared and that was why she was crying so much. She was not used to such difficult driving. I hope we never do that again. Next time, we will stay on the freeway no matter how long the line. You would think I could learn a lesson and quit thinking no one else knows the other way. Anyway, it was an interesting experience. We could have driven to Cedar City to get the shoes.

Jenny Stoker said...

I remember that! That is crazy! Well atleast she has her shoes! That's all she cares about!