Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter in Newcastle

We spent Saturday in Joseph (which is 10 minutes away from Richfield.) It was Ray's Grandma's birthday and she wanted everyone there. So we ate lunch and had some cake. After we ate we had to take family pictures, then we headed home. Before we went to Joseph we went to the Heritage Hills Easter Egg hunt. The kids had fun and Rachel decided she didn't want to find eggs so she picked up all the candy.

All the kids got a big haul. Kyle just picked up the eggs and no candy, mom had to make Kyle pick up the candy to not just the eggs.
Sunday was a stressful day, Ray and I had to talk in church on Easter. That was good for us because it made us study the savior and his sacrifice. After church we had a Easter Egg hunt and rolled eggs down the hill.

Nate's kids and Leann's kids all enjoyed rolling eggs down the hill despite the fact that before we left the Adults didn't think they would like it so well and thought it was weird. Anyway, I think this will be a tradition that everyone can get behind, because no matter who you are, rolling eggs down a hill is alot of fun. We ended up staying at the reservoir for a couple hours so you know they had fun.
Easter is fun for everyone. You get to color eggs and have candy, but you also get to learn of the savior and have a deeper understanding and resolve to turn to him more and let his sacrifice take its place in our lives, it is great to be reminded what Easter really means.


born2bhappy said...

Easter was a great time for us all. I know you did a good job on your talk because you read it to me before you went home. We should also blog about our interesting shoe experience. I think everyone would like to hear about that. I am glad you are introducing new and fun things into Ray's family. I guess I always thought that everyone did the rolling egg thing and I think may it is a rare tradition that is just in my family (which would be okay). The kids got quite a haul of easter candy. I really like the way they did it so everyone could get a lot and participate. The little kids were not getting run over by the big dis. In spite of the rain, we all had a pretty good weekend. We made a bunch of memories this weekend that we can smile on later. It is so true that the little things in life truly make us happy and are what count. I have the best family in the universe. I love you all very much.

Abby said...

What is your shoe experience? Rachel was hilarious. Before the egg hunt began I leaned down and told them to run out into the middle of the grass and pick up as many eggs as you can, but when they started she just walked up to the first patch of candy and started putting it in the bag. It was great. She was so excited though. I love this time of year!!!

Matt said...

Easter in Joseph eh? Isn't the whole town related?