Monday, October 27, 2008

The Baby In My LIfe

Megan is the best baby in the world

She always has a smile on.
She just adores Rachel and Kyle
No matter what they do to her.

She is so smiley. She is learning to crawl now, my life will never be the same. She gets up on her hands and toes and pushes herself up like a stinkbug, and then she lunges forward. She is developing quite the personality. I can't wait to see where it will take her.

She has learned a new trick today. She can almost come to sitting position from laying on the floor. She is growing up so fast. Yesterday we discovered that whenever she sees Rachel she starts squealing, and cooing. It is so cute. She loves Rachel so much. She gets very excited, her little arms and legs start wiggling.

My life would be incomplete without megan she brings me so much joy and laughter, it is hard to imagine life without her.


Abby said...

She is such a happy baby. I can't wait to see them all. They are growing up so fast. Love you guys.

Bailey Family said...

Holy Cow Linsey I'm impressed 2 updates one right after the other!! Keep up the good work!! Megan is getting really big! By the time we see her next she will be 2 and she will be a little chatter box.
Have a great day.

born2bhappy said...

Yes, little meggie is a sweetheart. She always has a smile for everyone. You are very lucky and spoiled to have such good babies. The weekend was wonderful. Love